How we teach:

We teach from a position of support and follow the National Curriculum of England and Wales for KS1 and KS2.We use a range of teaching approaches to help your child get to a secure place in their learning.

First and foremost, we assess your child’s level in Reading, Writing, Maths and Art. Then we identify your child’s learning style to know which teaching approach is best for them and for you to continue at home with them.

We encourage children to answer questions in full sentences e.g

Question: ‘What does ‘twice’ mean? Answer: It means double or times 2

In our lessons, we use learning objectives at the beginning and end sessions to build up children’s recall skills and awareness of what they are learning.

We model examples along the way, make allowances for them to make mistakes in order for them to see this as part of their learning journey but also give opportunities for them to be creative in their learning.

We set paired tasks and independent tasks that are pitched at their level and encourage them to peer assess or self-assess at the end of every lesson.

We believe when children work in a happy, creative environment, it enriches their imagination and motivation and empowers them to look forward to their lessons and go the extra mile in their learning.